Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day..

I just want to say Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing and beautiful mother in the whole entire world. I have learned so much from her and I hope that I can at least be half as good of a mother to my children as she is to me. I can always count on her to be there for me, even if I do not want her to be... LOL! :) My mother and I have the best of times. No matter what we are doing we always make the best of things. AND we are always laughing. Like,, seriously. We laugh so hard that we cry. But,, its a good thing, right.? Idk. My  mom and I have our good times and we have our bad times, but in the end we just laugh it out. Soo,, that's just a few reasons as to why I love my mother. But I know that for a fact,, I would never change her for anyone. I love you momma. -jess. <3